
Hello to Everyday.

Small wares in wood,

Swell moments in food,

Taste and see that the Lord is good.


Everyday Canoe started with a love for God & a love for crafting in wood. 

This is where I explore the nature of daily grace and thanksgiving in small

meaningful objects for daily use, illustration and photography.



How did you start making spoons?

I got to know a carpenter who has been making furniture for most of his life. He inspires me very much, he goes into his workshop even on Sundays and he once said that if he doesn't feel the fine grit of sawdust or the tactility of wood every day, he doesn't feel like himself.


Every time I step into his workspace, I notice offcuts of all shapes and sizes that seem to be just waiting there, waiting to be used, to take form and assume its rightful function as the object it wants to be. The thing is, in his line of furniture-making, all these pieces may never be used because they are just too small or do not meet the design requirements. However, these pieces were of good timber and quality and so one day I asked if I could have them, and he is kindly letting me use them as materials. I also source reclaimed wood from other places and when I travel abroad.


How do you make spoons?

Made from a variety of hardwood offcuts like teak, oak, walnut, I first draw out the general shape of the tableware and cut it with a bandsaw. I then use a carving knife to remove the excess wood, shaping it down until it fits nicely in one’s hand. Once the form is close to finish, I sand it smooth and protect it with a foodsafe oil and beeswax that makes it water and oil resistant.


How long does it take?

It's hard to put a fixed time on it because I usually allow myself time to whittle the spoon and enjoy the process. Ballpark: 6 hours.

With a little done across a few days, I would say about an hour for each step, from cutting, chiselling, carving, sanding and finally finishing. I try to take my time with each step of the process before moving onto the next instead of rushing through.


What's so different about these handcarved items?

You'll have the only one in the world. Being the maker, I am also able to make customised items based on what you need for someone special, that would go on to be enjoyed and used in making food, dining, and being part of a larger narrative that is your life.


How can I purchase your items?

For current items, they will be made available on my online store on Etsy.
For upcoming items, follow me on instagram everydaycanoe for shop updates and announcements.
For commissions and enquiries, please email


Thank you for reading!